Volleyball for Software Teams

"I got it! I got it!"
A rear view of three women ready to face their competitors on the volleyball court.

What makes for a good volleyball team?

Well good athletes of course. Tall, athletic, quick, good mental acuity.

And you have those athletes, right? Because like every organization, you only hire the best. Even if best means has wicked growth potential.

But regardless of the individual members of your team, there is a secret sauce to winning, the same secret sauce that good volleyball teams use...


When you watch volleyball players on the court, they are all talking to each other, calling for the ball, calling someone else off the ball, and so on.

Beverly Oden breaks it down for us.

Like all metaphors, this one breaks down ast some point, because we are talking about pushing bits as a team, not spiking the ball in our opponents' faces.

But it does tie into the Agile Manifesto:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

Three of the four principles are about communication. Value people over process. Collaborate with customers. Responding to change.

All of those require clear communication.